Monday, December 1, 2014

Wrap-up of Shel Silverstein

Having had exposure to multiple pieces of poetry by Shel Silverstein, children will recap what they have learned about Shel Silverstein and poetry in general. With completion of this lesson children will have met the following Pre-K Standards:

  • RL.PK.9 I can identify several books on a favorite topic or several books by a favorite author or illustrator
  • RL.PK.1 I can ask and answer questions about a story or poem

In order to meet these standards, we reviewed the titles read in the classroom and discussed what their favorite poem was and why. Children were given a book of poems we read for the week and new poems as well to read at home with their parents. Parents thoroughly enjoyed the poetry book they received. After reading the new poems with their parents, children described what they read. Reading these poems provided parents and children a better understanding of what children have been doing in school. As well, I think there is great importance in parents reading to their children. If this activity helped to achieve this, I will send home other pieces of literature to help foster this.

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