Saturday, December 6, 2014

Speaking and Listening

Throughout the course of the day children have been illustrating pictures that connect with our topic. It could be anything they have learned about the topic. They save their pictures and then share them at circle time. Most children share something they liked about an activity they illustrated or why they chose to draw this picture.

This was not a planned activity. This actually began when weeks back I noticed a child drawing one of our thanksgiving number games. I asked her what she was drawing and she told me it was the number game. I asked her why she chose to draw this and she said she liked playing the game in class. She was very proud of her picture so I asked her if she would like to share it to the class. She was thrilled to share her picture and talk about what she drew.

I enjoy turning every moment into a teachable experience. With her sharing her illustration she was able to:

SL.PL.1 I can participate in conversations with peers and adults in small and large group settings.
SL.PK.1a I can follow rules for speaking and listening during groups
W.PK.2 I can either draw or explain information about a topic
W.PK.1 I can tell you words to express my preference or opinion about a topic
L.PK.1.f I can speak in full sentences

and much more!

This also provided me feedback about what children enjoy about school and has helped me to plan my curriculum for the week.

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