Monday, December 1, 2014

Building Aliteration Awareness

One of the lesson's I taught this month was about building alliteration awareness. When introducing this lesson and describing what alliteration is it was evident the children did not know what I was talking about. I then asked them if they have ever read or listened to Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater or Miss Mary Mack. A lot of children said they have listened to Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater-- therefore, having some indirect exposure to alliteration.

After reading the short stories we then went back to find words that either start with letter 'P' or 'M'. Children were easily able to find words starting with these letters. However, when I asked if words like 'Peter' and 'Pumpkin' (with emphasis on the /P/) sound similar some children said no. I then reworded my question and asked does the beginning letter sounds sound the same and then broke down each beginning letter. With guidance they were able to answer yes.

I enjoyed teaching this concept to the children and do believe with guidance they gained some knowledge on this subject.

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